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 Instalare Psycho Stats 3

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Warn :
Instalare Psycho Stats 3 Left_bar_bleue0 / 40 / 4Instalare Psycho Stats 3 Right_bar_bleue

Numarul mesajelor : 814
Varsta : 31
Localizare : Tot acolo
Iti Place Cs : Profesonist
Concursuri castigate :
Instalare Psycho Stats 3 Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100Instalare Psycho Stats 3 Right_bar_bleue

Data de inscriere : 09/03/2008

Instalare Psycho Stats 3 Empty
MesajSubiect: Instalare Psycho Stats 3   Instalare Psycho Stats 3 Icon_minitimeDum Aug 24, 2008 4:41 pm

Tutorial instalare PsychoStats v3 [Windows]
Inainte sa incepeti instalarea , asigurativa ca aveti urmatoarele softuri instalate:
- Apache
- Active Perl
- PHP & GD2
Pasul 1 - Instalarea PsychoStats -
- Incepem cu downloadarea psychostats-ului .
- In folderul unde e web serverul (www/htdocs/sau cum e) facem un nou folder numit stats.
- Despachetam arhiva downloadata , si copiem din ea tot ce e in folderul “web” in /stats/.
- Deschidem browserul si deschidem http://ip.server/stats/install/
- In panoul acela completam cu

DB Type: default
Hostname: localhost
Port: default
DB Name: numele bazei de date
Table name prefix: default
Username: Userul care are acces la baza de date MySQL
Password: Parola userului care are acces la baza de date MySQL

- Daca totul iese bine , ar trebuii sa apara

MYSQL connection established!
Version: 5.0.27-community-nt
Click the 'Continue' button to proceed

- Apasam pe ‘Continue’ si va aparea alt panou numit “Database 'psychostats' already exists!”
- Nu bifam nimic , si apasam pe ‘Initialize Database’
- Dupa ce creeaza tablele apasam pe ‘Continue’.
- Ne apare din nou alt panou unde trebuie sa alegem modul pentru care dorim sa instalam

Select GameType: Halflife
Select ModeType: Cstrike

Apasam pe ‘Initialize Database’ si din nou dupa ce creeaza tablele pe ‘Continue’.
Ne apare un nou panou in care ne spune sa creem un administrator pentru PS3.

Username: Numele administratorului
Password: Parola administratorului

Retype password: Rescrie parola administratorului
Apasam pe ‘Save Admin’
The admin user 'gigi' was created successfully!
You can create another admin user if you need.
Click the 'Continue' button below when you are done creating admins; dupa care pe

- Ne deschide din nou alt panou.
- Mai pe scurt , aici ne spune ca Psycho Stats-ul foloseste theme compilate , si ne intreaba unde
dorim sa punem thema compilata. Inlocuiti Path-ul acela cu locatia dorita.

PsychoStats online installation is now complete! Congratulations!
Security Note:
Once you have verified your PsychoStats installation is working you should DELETE this install
directory! Or a malicious user could potentionally destroy your database (and not just the PsychoStats
The first thing you should do is go to the main stats page by clicking here and logging in with the admin
account you just created and viewing the default configuration under the 'Admin' -> 'Main Config'
You want to make sure your configuration is setup the way you want it. The first item you need to
configure is the 'logsource' which defines where your game server logs are located.
If you require assistance please visit the PsychoStats forums. Or you can visit us in our #psychostats IRC
channel on Please be sure to detail exactly what your problem is, what you've done to
troubleshoot and the environment in which you're trying to install PsychoStats.
What's Next?
In order for the player stats to start collecting you need to run the If you're going to do that on
THIS server then just go to the directory where you unzipped PsychoStats and run the
Otherwise, if you're going to do this on another server (usually the game server) you will need to install
the local portion of PsychoStats on that server. First unzip PsychoStats on the server and then edit the
stats.cfg to use the proper database settings. Run the to update the stats and that's it!

Pasul 2 – Configurarea PsychoStats
- In caz ca Active Perl nu are modulele cerute de Psycho Stats trebuie sa le instalam.
- Mergem in Start > Run si scriem ppm. Alegem modul DBD::mysql si il instalam.
- In arhiva cu Psycho stats 3, gasim stats.cfg.

# stats.cfg should ONLY contain basic database settings.
# any other configuration settings will be ignored.
dbtype = mysql
dbhost = localhost
dbport =
dbname = Numele bazei de date
dbuser = User-ul cu acces la baza de date
dbpass = Parola userului cu acces la baza de date
dbtblprefix = ps_

- Aici modificam dbname, dbuser, dbpass.
- Pentru uploadare-a Psycho Stats-ului , deschidem din arhiva.
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Instalare Psycho Stats 3
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